To follow the EU Regulation 1087/2011, applicable to all airports across EU, Lux-Airport appointed Smiths Detection as supplier of the new EDS standard 3 units. The system proposed by Smiths Detection is the HI-SCAN 10080 XCT.
The full scope of the project is not a simple replacement of the EDS units, but the complete redesign of the whole BHS, which requires the collaboration and coordination of a series of supplier, each working on a specific aspect of the project.
NiM Consulting & Supervision was contacted by Smiths Detection and appointed to the role of project management and site management.
In particular, NiM Consulting and Supervision Ltd is involved in:
Coordination between the different entities and departments of Smiths
Act as primary point of contact in front of the client and all other suppliers involved in the project
Clarification of technical aspects for the integration of the new units within the BHS
Preparation of documentation
Planning, organization and follow-up of site activities and testing of units
Reporting of statistics and operational performances of the newly installed XCT
The complexity of the project is increased by two main factors: site activities should not perturb normal operation of the airport (night shifts, transit through public areas of the airport with all the security measures required, etc.), the EDS are to be installed on top of metallic platforms (handling of machines had to be subcontracted to a specialized handling company).
The first unit was successfully put in operation autumn 2020, with the second unit planned for late spring 2021.
Thoughtful planning and efficient execution always come in handy, especially in difficult times for international mobility like the 2020/2021, to ensure that every project will reach the desired goal in terms of quality, budget and time!